Resin Pluto Gun | iKegger 2.0 Add-On

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Add-On for your iKegger 2.0 Tap

These are a great option if you want to use your keg while it's sitting in a cooler as you can leave the keg and lift the tap to your glass.

They are tough, reasonably priced, and impossible to accidentally turn on.

You can also use them with the keg lying down.

Note - you will need to get the Button Upgrade to use this effectively (so you can lock the button down on the 2.0 tap and use the pluto gun to pour).

Package includes

  • Resin pluto gun
  • 6.5mm to 8mm Push-fitting
  • 2m of 4mm internal / 8mm external beer line
  • 1 x Ball Valve with 8mm Push Fittings (for connecting to the spout of iKegger 2.0 tap)


There are a couple of tricks to reduce foaming
  1. The first splash of beer coming out the tap will often be foamy and if this goes into the glass foam continues to build on it (notice when a bartender pours a beer they often turn the tap on and then put the glass under a second or two later)
  2. Also ensure you pull the trigger all the way in, pulling it halfway will create turbulence and more foam.
  3. Having a warm tap and hose will create foam till the cold beer flowing through cools it, best to keep it in the fridge or an esky.

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